Your Neighbourhood

is more than just

the Near You.

Dive into your locality with LocalEyes and see what more your neighbourhood has for you to offer.


Meet LocalEyes.

A Social Platform that connects People with Locals, to
Ask your Neighbours Questions, Share Local Expertise, and Keep Up with your Neighbourhood

through an interactive Ask-and-Answer Interface.


Real-time Location
Based Feed

See what's buzzing around your locality


Offer help, Share your

About local things that others might not know


Broadcast yourself
to Your Whole City

Peek into your city from the comfort of your home


Ready to start your journey with LocalEyes ?

Why Choose Us


LocalEyes is a Social Community Platform that connects People with Locals, to get true insights of the locality through an interactive Ask-and-Answer Interface.

Seeking Knowledge and Sharing Information does not have an age limit, and here at LocalEyes we believe that sharing of information should not be age restricted and therefore LocalEyes is open for all age groups.

Your neighborhood is more than just the Places near you and with LocalEyes you can discover a new persective of your locality all while sharing information and getting to know people in a way you have never experienced before.

Yes 🤷🏻‍♂️

The Home feed of the app contains Locally Curated Posts. You only get to see questions posted near you. Our app detects your current location and shows you the nearest relevant activity.

At localeyes you get to see questions about your locality, people sharing experiences in form of blogs, you can create a social community by sharing photos and videos about everything around you.